People Search

Our Experts can effectively trace out the people you have been looking for with the use of our advanced technology.

Rudrah LLC's Effective Tracing Solution

Tracing people has become a rather quicker and easier task. We can find the exact person you are looking for. So if you need to find someone, let our expert team of professional tracers help you. Just contact us personally at our office.

Thanks to technology, nearly every piece of digital information we leave behind can now be extracted and used in multiple capacities, including legal proceedings. And it’s not just the individual who has to worry about data left behind—companies need to be aware of it, too. Besides knowing how to recover deleted data, (Rudrah LLC has its own experts to help ;), businesses should have a process for controlling and preserving their digital information. It’s safe to say that wiping your hard drive or clearing your history no longer rids you of traceability.

Your digital tracks are attached to you as a person or as a company, and that’s important to know if you ever need to access that information, or in the case that your footprint is ever used against you. In this case, we use digital footprints for various types of people searches.

Every day, whether we want to or not, most of us contribute to a growing portrait of who we are online; a portrait that is probably more public than we assume.

This portrait helps companies target content at specific markets and consumers, helps employers look into your background, and helps advertisers track your movements across multiple websites. Whatever you do online, you might be leaving digital footprints behind.

So no matter what you do online it’s important that you know what kind of trail you’re leaving, and what the possible effects can be.

While it’s not possible to have ZERO footprints, the first steps toward reducing your digital footprint and managing your digital identity are not that hard.

Things to Understand

Your digital footprint is all the stuff you leave behind as you use the Internet. Comments on social media, Skype calls, app use and email records its part of your online history and can potentially be seen by other people, or tracked in a database.

How Do We Leave Digital Footprints? This happens in many ways.

Here are some of them:

Websites and Online Shopping

​Retailers and product review sites often leave cookies on your system which can track your movement from site-to-site, allowing targeted advertisements that can show you products you’ve been recently reading about or looking at online.

Social Media

​All those +1s, Retweets, and Facebook comments (even private ones) leave a record. Make sure you know what the default privacy settings are for your social media accounts, and keep an eye on them. Sites often introduce new policies and settings that increase the visibility of your data. They may rely on you just clicking “OK” to whatever terms they are introducing, without reading them.

Talk to An Expert

Rudrah LLC offers custom security assessment options tailored to your organization’s needs and budget, including a security assessment that is performed remotely. Contact us today!